During 20 years, was a designer of several European companies, with credited worldwide trade marks. Although, at any moment she distinguished herself not being a creator ready to let herself anchor in the traditions, and she always considered possible to put the modernity in the reach of all the ladies reach, independently theirs measures.
Without a doubt, nobody like her understood the drama that an overweight woman lives, when she goes to a lingerie shop following her illusion to buy "that" so special article, and she receives the painful answer:
- Sorry, we don´t have your size.
Such a phrase- on one side easy to pronounce by a shop assistant but on the other side harmful to this large group of clients - inspired Odi Marley Guevara to put herself to the service of these people with the aim to pleasing them with the same quality, woven, design and seduction that only thin women normally get.
Therefore, she has marked a well defined goal: be the connection Shop On Line between the overweight ladies and the good taste fashion lingerie with sizes: LARGE and EXTRALARGE froml 48 to 90 (it is also possible larger sizes such as EXTRA-EXTRA LARGE). Doubtlessly, this is the only site where the weight will never be an impediment. Here you will always find the lingerie more exciting.
Although her speciality in this field includes all the horizons (corsets, nightgows, panties, baby-dolls and any "hot" garments), Odi Marley Guevara starts with the latent problem: panties (in large, extra large and also extra extra large). With the time she will go adding the rest of the mentioned articles.
Thank you for your visit.